Work from Home – Pros and Cons

We’ll be talking about points to consider when deciding if you wish to Work From Home as opposed to getting a commercial lease and brick and mortar location. Specifically, let’s discuss the pros and cons of working from home.

Some of the Pros of working from home can include:

• Having the Freedom to set your own work schedule to have a better work life balance. • Having the flexibility to Care for elderly parents or young children

• Having to spend less time commuting to and from work and therefore saving on transportation costs, and

• Finally, another pro to work from home is that you can create healthier lifestyle and routines All of that sounds great, but before you start designing your home office to start working from home, let’s consider some of the cons of working from Home.

• Getting work done and being productive at home requires a High of discipline.

• In addition, Lines can be blurred in terms of when you are working and when you are not.

• But most importantly, one of the cons is that you have to work harder to gain the trust of your clients when you are not meeting them personally in an office.