Know When to Say No!

As LDA’s we’ve set up our businesses and systems to help many self-represented customers and to earn money providing form preparation services, in fact, sometimes we think to ourselves… the more customers we get, the better. But in today’s podcast we’re going to talk about, in what situations should you consider NOT working with a self-represented-litigant? I’m sharing this with you because in my 8 yrs of LDA experience working with the public, I have identified 3 types of self-represented litigants that LDAs may meet that they might not be able to help. • The First type is “the potential customer that needs an attorney” • the second is “the potential customer who can’t afford to pay any type of fee” • and third, the customer whose scope of work has changed since you first signed a contract for services I am hoping that by me sharing these “3 customer types”, you will be able to identify them and be better able to guide them and give them a professional referral who can help them.